For this purpose, simply connect your Kindle Fire to your PC, and from the prompt window, select the option “Connect as camera” from the list. Some users reported that connecting the Kindle Fire to the PC as a camera worked for them.
Some users stated that after leaving the Kindle Fire connected to the PC for some time, the PC recognized the device and they were able to access it. Try connecting the device with a USB 2.0 port and observe if it fixes your issue. Your Kindle Fire might not connect with the USB 3.0 port due to a compatibility issue. Sometimes this issue arises due to the incompatibility of the USB port with your Kindle Fire. As the device gets recognized on your PC after unlocking it and you’ll be able to transfer files on PC. If you have enabled PIN code encryption on your Kindle Fire, then do remember to enter the PIN code on your Kindle Fire when you connect it to your PC. Kindle fire not showing up on PC Before You Start: In this article, we have completely addressed this issue using some basic steps, fixes and workarounds that you can apply right now. However, quite recently, we have been getting complaints about the Kindle Fire not Showing Up on PC issue which prevents users from connecting their Kindles to their PCs.
Kindles are an affordable and great way to consume your favourite content and are used by thousands of users daily to stream their favourite shows.