

As source object use terrain object and set values as such: Lenght: 16cm, Thickness: 0.3cm, Gravity: -0.5cm, Bend: 1.9, Taper 1.0, Knots: 3, enabled Flat Normals. You may make grass by using VRayFur object. Last UVW Map will be used for density, lenght and thickness maps in VRayFur. Map channel in this modifier is set to 3. The third one with also planar mapping but its lenght and width set to fit mapped object. Second with also planar mapping with lenght and width set to 500cm but map channel set to 2. Then map terrain with three UVW Map modifiers.įirst with planar mapping with lenght and width set to 400cm and Map Channel to 1. Second is for the grass with tileable diffuse map and the map channel set to 2. First for dirt with tileable diffuse and bump maps. After that use boolean to remove ground under the path.Next step in this exterior tutorial is very important to making a nice looking grass terrain. Then add turbosmooth with 2 iterations and noise modifier with not very big values. You can make it from plane and move it left side below and the right side above the pathway. All its setting you can see in the screenshot below.After making a pathway you need to create ground around it. Same procedure will be used for curbs – it also have diffuse, bump and displacement in VRayDisplacementMod. Its material also must have a bump (set to 10) and displace map used by VRayDisplacementMod modifier. Diffuse map for the pathway will be tileable gravel texture (8192 x 2048). Use Unwrap UVW with Unfold Strip from Loop function and correctly rescaling resulting UV’s. Next step is to map the pathway and curbs. Detach them as clone and use shell modifier to give them a thickness. You may use sides of this object to make small curbs on each side of the pathway.


Then place a VRay Camera in the scene to make sure the path goes in direction you imagine in the final render.After that increase interpolation of the spline and convert it to editable poly. Set it to rectangular with leght of 10cm and width of 160cm. Next you maust make a spline which will be a pathway and made it renderable in viewport and renderer. You need to start by setting up units – I personally use inches as system units and centimeters as display unit scale with grid spacing of 0.1cm. Pond will have a small white brick ledge around it and it will be a little lower relative to the pathway. The idea of this scene will be a small pond with a pathway around it and trees grownig in the background and next to the path. Software used will be 3ds max with V-Ray and Photoshop.


In this exterior tutorial I would like to give you some guidelines to create an park scene with water and a lot of tree.
